Goodbye 2013!
This past year has been wonderful and really hard all at the same time. Living in a hotel for a month while we waited to find out if my husband's job in San Diego was going to work out was not my favorite part, but I have lots of happy memories from this year and we are so happy where we are that 2013 was definitely a great year. This past year inluded opportunities that I didn't even know existed and it has allowed me to push myself into trying new things. I am so grateful for everyone who reads and comments on my posts. I remember when I started this blog and I thought that if one day I could reach 500 followers that would be amazing. It seemed unattainable. Thank you so much. I don't want to set goals for myself for this coming year because I want to leave myself open to new projects. My main goal is just to keep starting projects that interest me and then (and this is the important part) finish them. I am finishing off this year without any WIPs on the sidelines,