Woven Baby Quilt

I have been a baby-quilt-making mood lately.  Maybe it is because my lots of my friends have had babies recently or because my sister is having twin girls this summer, but expect to see a few more in the next little while.
woven baby quilt
The colors for the quilt were inspired by a DS Quilts plaid print that I had in my stash that I had planned to use as the backing, but then when it was time the baste to the quilt I realized that I was about 6" short.  Oops!
woven baby quilt
So then I found this Loominous (which is a woven, yarn-dyed that you can find here and here) fabric in my stash which I like better anyway.  It is so soft!
woven baby quilt
I really like playing around with the woven look (see here, here, and here).  This one just uses 2.5" colored squares and 4.5" background squares.  
woven baby quilt-EditFinished size: 36" x 45"

This quilt is now available in my Etsy shop.  

And one photo of the babe just because it was on my memory card when I loaded up the quilt photos ;) 
August :)


  1. That's a very pretty quilt and a very cute baby :-)

  2. The picture of the smiley face of the darling baby, has made my day. He is adorable. I hardly noticed the quilt, but it's very sweet too.

  3. I love your quilt. Just beautiful with that woven look! Thanks for sharing it with us, and the sweet baby who was lucky to receive it.

  4. I simply love your beautyful quilt :-)
    Wish one like yours too.
    Have a lovely evening.

  5. What a great quilt! The fabrics look great together!

  6. Aww, what a cutie Erica! Both the babe and the Woven quilt!


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