
Showing posts from March, 2012

blogger bundle contest

I LOVE Laurie Wisbrun's fabric and I have at least a little of all of her collections.  I was waiting and waiting to be able to find her full collection of Jack and Jenny somewhere (I could only find bits and pieces) and now I am on a self-imposed fabric buying hiatus (I don't want my husband's head to explode) so I guess I will have to daydream about it . . . 1. Pearl bracelet in yellow 2. Cross weave in blue and white 3. Stripe in orange 4. Calico cactus in new day 5. Donkeys in water 6. Woven in Navy 7. Rain drops in water 8. Metro living circles in orange 9. Mono pez in yellow 10. Heraldry in blue 11. Spring buds in gray 12. Wellies in water If you haven't already checked it out, Katy over at I'm a Ginger Monkey is having a blogger bundle contest.  Go have a look!

Oodalolly quilt top/jumping on the Granny Square bandwagon

Well, I finished my Oodalolly quilt top last week and I hadn't posted it yet because I DO NOT like it. I don't hate it, and it's growing on me, but I really wish I had just used solids.   Rachel's quilt for the class turned out so beautiful so it has nothing to do with the quilt design or her instructions, I am just not super happy with this. I had this stack of Loulouthi which is so bright and colorful that I thought that it might work well for this quilt, but  I'm not so sure about how it turned out.  I am going to quilt it this week so hopefully once it is quilted I will like it more. I also ended up making the other final project for the class, the wheel quilt , but I still need to add the binding. My latest project is the Granny Square quilt .  I kept seeing these pop up everywhere and I couldn't resist, so I am going to be using a Pick a Bunch layer cake.  I only have one block done so far, but my sister has been in town so I should be getting a few more

Liebster Award

A couple of weeks ago (oops, I meant to make this post sooner), Jenelle at Echinops and Aster   awarded me the Liebster Award!  She has a great blog and makes all kinds of gorgeous things.  Here are the details of the Liebster Award: The Liebster award (German for favorite) is for bloggers with 200 followers or less. As a recipient of the award, you have the chance to thank and link back to the blogger who gave it to you as well as pass it along to five other deserving blogs. I read A LOT of blogs so narrowing this down is going to be tough, I'm going to choose some blogs that are fairly new to me too :)  Jennifer at Sunny in Cal , who it looks like I would meet if I ever went to the LAMQG meetings (they meet like 1 mile from my house but I am always too scared/busy/forgetful to go!) The Camp Follower , who I first discovered when I saw her gorgeous Echo Swoon quilt.  She just barely qualifies with 193 followers, but she is definitely worth checking out! Claudia at Armchair Quilter

Swoon quilt!

I have finally finished my swoon quilt.  I took my time at the end because I really loved working on this quilt and I didn't want to rush anything. I debated about how to quilt it, but after seeing some done with straight lines (and since I think straight lines look great on almost anything) I went with straight lines a little over an inch apart.  In my mind the lines were vertical, but my husband held the quilt up sideways (there isn't really an up or down since it is a sqaure and my prints aren't directional, that's just how I thought of it) so here they are horizontal. I think that white would have made a great background, but I am glad that I went with the darker color because I intend for this quilt to get a lot of use and my kids aren't very good at keeping white things white! I couldn't decide if I should use the plaid or the blue print for the back, so I used both with a strip of quilter's linen in between. My husband was kind enough to hold the quil


Look what showed up at my house today . . . When Flea Market Fancy was originally released I had never even used a sewing machine, so I was excited to get my hands on the legacy reprint!  I pre-ordered mine from Quilt Home , but missed out on the first shipment of some of the prints so those should be arriving later this month.  I also ordered a little of some of the coordinating solids that they had listed which are at the bottom of the stack. I have no idea what I'm going to do with these but I am excited just to have them!

In progress . . .

Recently I have been spending a lot of time with my sewing machine and my swoon quilt.  I am in love with this quilt, but I seriously hated basting it.  I don't mind basting smaller projects, but the pain in my hips made me feel really old after spending an evening on the floor basting!   My sister is going to be in town next weekend so I am hoping to finish quilting and get this thing bound before then. I also finished another project for the curves class.  It wasn't my favorite thing, but my daughter thinks it is really great and it is now hanging up in her room.  I do love that Alexander Henry butterfly fabric . . . This is the last week of curves class and I am going to make both of the final project quilts.  The small quilt looks so quick and fun and I never have enough of baby shower gifts. I also received a stack of fabric in the mail yesterday.  I have been on a bit of a buying binge lately and someone help me because it needs to stop!  This is a little of all of the pe


My scallop quilt is featured today on Modern Day Quilts !  I am so excited!