
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Giant Giant Hexagon Quilt

For the past week or so I have been working on a new quilt top for our bed.  I know that I talked a little about doing a Glam Clam quilt, but when I looked at the directions I realized that I was not into making that many Glam Clams (I do intend to make a smaller Glam Clam quilt later).  So I went with plan B. Now I know that this looks a little scary, but this (by far) the fastest queen size quilt I have ever put together.  I did ALL of the cutting in one day thanks to this great little trick. I initially decided to use this tutorial , but after looking at the directions I realized that I could use my Creative Grids 60 degree triangle ruler to make the cutting go super fast.  I just put masking tape on the 4" line (the top tape) and the 8.5" line (the bottom tape).  Then I cut 4.5" wide strips of fabric, stacked it 4 layers high, and then lined the fabric up between the tape and cut along the outside of the ruler.  It was so fast.   Then I followed the rest of the tuto

Winter Warmup Bundle Winner

The winner of the Winter Warmup Bundle is. . . Congratulations Holly!  I will be emailing you soon. Thanks everyone for entering!  And don't forget that all bundles are 20% off at FabricCadabra until Monday!

Color:FULL Inspired Baby Quilt

I finally finished my first quilt of the year.  I started this one on a whim after I miscalculated the backing that I needed for my Scrappy Kaleidoscope Quilt and had to re-order.  Oops. But sometimes the on a whim projects are the best anyway because they seem like they don't happen often enough.  If you are familiar with Jennifer Sampou's Color:FULL collection you might notice that I didn't actually use any of the prints from the collection in the quilt top.  Since I only have a couple of the prints (something that needs to change!) I saved it for the backing and binding. All of the colors in the quilt top are inspired by my favorite print from the collection, which I also used for the backing.   The binding is another Jennifer Sampou print from her Studio Stash Yarn Dyes collection.  It is a really pretty and bright reddish pink with some light yellow stitching in it.   I quilted it in a cross hatch that kind of reminded me of the backing print.   This one is now liste

FabricCadabra Bundle Giveaway

A couple weeks ago I was contacted by the lovely ladies of  FabricCadabra  about putting together a fabric bundle for the upcoming bundle sale. I wanted to use some of my favorite prints right now, especially those from Wildwood, Follie, and Recollection. I also wanted to work with some cooler colors and some oranges, and it seems like I can't make anything anymore without a few Cotton + Steel prints.   The  Winter Warm Up Bundle  is now available in the  FabricCadabra  shop.  In addition, all bundles are 20% off until Monday January 26th. FabricCadabra  has generously offered a Winter Warm Up Bundle to one lucky winner.   To enter the giveaway, just head over to  FabricCadabra  and leave me a comment letting me know which  bundle  catches your eye. Follie Bundle ,  Crossed Impressions Bundle ,  Priory Square Bundle I would personally love the  Follie ,  Crossed Impressions , or  Priory Square  bundles above.  There are so many beautiful collections out there right now! The giveaw

infinity scarves

Right before Christmas I thought it would be nice to sew up some infinity scarves for my sisters and nieces to hand out while we were visiting in Utah.  I have 4 sisters plus both of my brothers are married and I have 2 nieces, plus of course I had to make one for my daughter and myself and my Mom, so I this was a little bit of a task.  I used this tutorial (which was great!) and there is also a tutorial for kids scarves (though I found that I needed to make the scarves about 8" longer for my 6 year old daughter and 8 year old niece). It would have been a great idea to get a photo of everyone wearing their scarves, but of course I forgot.  So you are going to have to settle for this 22 weeks pregnant selfie I took in the mirror this morning.  I made all of the adult scarves with Mammoth Flannel and it is amazing!  If you are looking for a really great flannel, I recommend this print in particular. I also talked my kids into letting me take a photo of them wearing the scarves.  N

Kaleidoscope Scrap Quilt Top

From the lack of posts lately it may seem like I haven't been doing any sewing, but in reality I have just been sorting, cutting, and piecing scraps into a kaleidoscope quilt. As much as I love making scrap quilts, they do involve a lot of sorting which takes a lot of time and leaves lots of little tiny pieces of fabric all over my sewing room (let's be honest, I am finding them all over the house).  But I did enjoy making this project for my sister.  If you have been reading my blog for a while, you might remember that I planned to make scrap quilts for my Mom and sisters in 2014.  This one didn't quite make the cut, but it was pretty close. Scrap quilt for my Mom Scrap quilt for Kara Scrap quilt for Kelly This quilt is for my sister Carly who hates pink, so I tried to stick to reds, blues, greens, grays, yellows, and oranges.  I did stick a little purple in there, I couldn't help myself.  It is a little loud and crazy, but I think that's just what a scrap quilt sh

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015 (and a little news)

Things have been a little quiet around here lately because I was sick and then we were able to spend a  relaxing week in Utah with my family.  It was freezing. Most of my 2014 projects But now we are back and I have had a lot of time to think about what I want to make this year.  I think that I really want to focus on making things that I really enjoy (I see lots of baby quilts in the future) and I want to focus on projects that are different and challenging. I have a couple things in mind, but I am really enjoying that these are the only 2 things that I have on my to do list. 1.  A queen size quilt for our bed.  I considered just buying a duvet or something, but I really want to make a quilt.  I am thinking about making a 12" Glam Clam Quilt .  Does anyone want to make one along with me? 2.  A quilt for the new baby.  I have a few ideas but I haven't made any decisions yet. And speaking of the new baby . . . I had an ultrasound today and they confirmed that we are having a bo