
Showing posts from October, 2013

WIP Wednesday

I have been working on a new queen sized quilt for our guest bedroom. Picking a design for a queen size quilt is so daunting because you have so many blocks to make that you better really like your choice! I decided to go with the Rocky Mountain Puzzle block after seeing this quilt . A couple weeks ago I picked up some Fort Firefly prints and I couldn't wait to start using them.  The fabrics are gorgeous and the fabric is so soft, I wish I could have bought the entire line.  So far I only have one block done, but I have a stack of close-to-done blocks sitting on my cutting table. In addition to these blocks I have spent the last few days working on curtains for my son's room.  When we bought our house one of the things that we loved the most about it was how light and bright it was.  It turns out that light and bright all of the time is a little overwhelming, so even though we now have blinds, shades, or shutters on all of the windows, I need to get some curtains on the upsta

twiddling my thumbs

When we finally got moved into our new house and I finally got my machine back from getting cleaned, I was really excited to start sewing.  The only problem is that I had finished all of my WIPs before we moved and I had no idea where to start. I sat around for a few days and caught up on some emails and blogs and pressed the fabric for the curtains in my son's room.  I browsed blogs and Flickr and flipped through my quilting books.  I reorganized my fabric.  But I still didn't know where to start so I decided to start small. I have been wanting to make some low volume log cabins since seeing this quilt , but I didn't really want to make an entire quilt.  And the great thing is that by the time I finished this quilt, I had an idea for a quilt for our guest room (yes, we have a guest room!) so hopefully I will have some blocks to share soon. So my questions is this: what do you do for inspiration?  How do you get started again when you get stuck?

Blogger's Quilt Festival Fall 2013 - Constellations Quilt

Welcome!  Isn't the Blogger's Quilt Festival just one of the best things?  I have discovered so many wonderful blogs and beautiful quilts through the festival and I am looking forward to checking out all of yours. Today I have decided to share my Constellations quilt with you.  One day I was perusing some fabric online and my husband noticed Lizzy House's Constellations line and asked if I could make a quilt for him.  Luckily I was able to track down a bundle (this line disappeared so fast!). My husband supports me as a quilter, but it was exciting to see him take an active interest in my hobby.  I wanted to make something special for him and this is what I came up with. I wanted to make the quilt pretty big (it's 80" square) and I wanted to make it unique so I decided to make my own design.  This quilt makes me wish I had an entire bolt of each of these prints, they are so great. Because of the size of the quilt we had a hard time getting a good photo. I talked m

October Blocks

I think I've mentioned this before, but I am really commited to finishing up my Lucky Stars blocks and I know that if I get behind it will never happen so this block was number 1 on my list when I got my machine back. I am making the 6.5" blocks and this one felt even tinier than the rest because of all of the tiny little pieces, but this is one of my favorite blocks so far. I need to use the November and December blocks to balance out the color a little better.  I definitely need some more greens and blues. October was my month to be quilter for the do. Good Stitches Wish Circle.  Around the time I was picking the block I received some upsetting news that influenced my pick so I would like to share a little bit of personal info about that if that's okay.   I received a text message from my Dad a few weeks ago that a childhood friend of mine had passed away.  I haven't seen her in a long time and I would have probably never seen her again, but she was one of my best fr

Halloween 2013

Yes, I know Halloween isn't for more than another week.  But since there are so many school carnivals and parties around Halloween that our church decided to have our party on Saturday.  This made costume-making very hectic and last minute, but it also means that their costumes are now done! Harper loves rainbows and I recently introduced her to Rainbow Brite on YouTube.  She loves it.  Which is so fun for me because I loved Rainbow Brite when I was her age. The costume ended up being pretty simple (well, relatively speaking).  Here are the details if you are interested in making a Rainbow Brite costume of your own: I bought a long sleeved blue shirt from Wal-Mart for the top and made a circle skirt out of some polyester-y fabric that I bought at Joann's for the bottom.  I'm not sure what it was but it was the exact same blue as the shirt and it was near the knits.   The top of the skirt is red elastic and I sewed white faux fur around the hem (both also from Joann's).

wip wednesday

I neglected unpacking boxes for a little while this week to work on a couple projects. I found out on Sunday that our church Halloween party is THIS SATURDAY.  Hmm.  I hadn't started costumes yet so I started to work on those.  This is my daughter's costume so far.  Anyone want to guess what she is going to be? I was also asked to make some lettering for a photo booth backdrop at the party.  They told me that someone else was going to bring an orange tablecloth as a backdrop and I just needed have something to hang on it.  I decided to go with bunting. Of course when I was halfway through making the bunting I got an email saying that the tablecloth was actually going to be black and that whatever I made needed to be orange.  So here is the second attempt.  It was probably for the best since I absentmindedly ended up with a wonky "O" the first time around. My daughter has claimed the black bunting for her room so it all worked out in the end :) Thanks for all of your a

I'm back!

Sorry for the extended absence.  We finally moved into our house in San Diego (which I am totally in love with) and then 3 days later my husband's brother and his family came to stay with us.  Right after that we had a week long family reunion so it has been pretty crazy. My sewing machine is STILL IN THE SHOP.  I am so sad.  I am not going to name names, but I took it to a local shop here in San Diego that does routine maintenance.  They told me it would be 2 weeks and it has been 4.  If I don't have it back on Monday I may camp out in their shop until give it to me.  I called them this morning and the woman I talked to said they currently have a 3 week wait.  Then when she checked on my machine she said they haven't even looked at it yet! In my machine's absence I have been organizing my sewing room (yes, I have one!) and I am not even close to being done.  Once I have it cleaned up and organized I will share some photos. My daughter started kindergarten 2 weeks ago a