
Showing posts from December, 2012

in miniature

When I made Perfect Quilted Totes for my daughters teachers last week, I knew I wanted to try a smaller version for my kids.  I shrunk the measurements in the pattern by 25% and it was the perfect size for little kids. I made my son's first as a test, since I was concerned that it would turn out weird.  The only measurement I didn't shrink by 25% was the straps because I thought they would be too short, so I shrunk them by about 10% and I regret it.  The full 25% was perfect when I made my daughter's bag. My favorite thing about the pattern is the interior, and I think the pockets will be great for my kids. My daughter loves green, which is probably my least favorite color and I hardly have any in my stash.  I ended up picking up some Kona clover for the lining (which I forgot to take a picture of) since I didn't put much green on the exterior. These will go under the Christmas tree along with a couple of wide open zippered pouches  that I made today.  My machine is no

WIP Wednesday

I took a little break from WIP Wednesday for a few weeks because of all of the holiday craziness.  But I have managed to finish some things up this week and I have a few Christmas gifts in progress. Finished projects: Mini perfect quilted tote.  Last week I made some of Elizabeth's totes for my daughter's preschool teachers, and I enjoyed them so much I wanted to make some for my kids for Christmas.  I shrunk the dimensions in the pattern down 25% and I am really happy with how it turned out.  I will post more about this once I have my daughter's bag finished up. December bee blocks.   Alyssa asked that we make some paper pieced blocks using this tutorial . These were pretty easy and lots of fun to make and a good learning experience.  And I love working with pink! Chevron baby quilt Works in Progress Mini perfect quilted tote for my daughter.  She is really into princesses and the color green right now, so I think I will go this direction. Miscellaneous Christmas presents

chevron baby quilt

Some friends of ours are expecting their second baby in a couple months and I thought I'd put together something fun for them.  I actually used this pattern , but left out the solid parts and made it shorter since I wanted a smaller quilt. My assistant (aka my 4 year old daughter) has been a little under the weather and was not super happy about holding the quilt up this morning.  So it is upside down and crooked, but it was kind of her to try :) I backed with some soft gray minky fabric.   I do want to make the Scout pattern as written, it was fun and easy to put together and I think it makes a great boy quilt.  This will be headed to its new home in a couple weeks!

Perfect Quilted Totes

I wouldn't say that mine ended up perfect exactly, but I did make a couple of Elizabeth Hatman's Perfect Quilted Totes this week for my daughter's teachers.  I had debated whether or not to buy the pattern because I have made tote bags and I have made QAYG tote bags, but in the end I decided it was worth it.  And it WAS worth it.  This pattern is great. My daughter attends a pre-k program at a public elementary school and her teacher and teacher's aide are AMAZING.  The preschool is free (also amazing) and their funding has been stripped down to almost nothing, but my daughter loves the school and we are so grateful for all that her teachers do.   The pattern makes two different sized totes, a wide tote or a tall tote.  I made the tall tote which is the perfect size for carrying books, notebooks, etc.  I love to do projects like this because it is so fun to dig through my scrap bin and use little pieces of some of my favorite fabrics.   The tote has a zipper pocket and

Celebrate Good Stitches

Voting is now open for Celebrate Good Stitches.  I have had such a wonderful experience working with the 9 other ladies of the Wish Circle these past few months, and now it has been so fun to look back on finished quilts from the other circles and see all that everyone has accomplished.  Rachel has opened up voting on her blog, click here to vote.

Giveaway Day Winner

Wow.  It has been so fun this week to receive so many comments, I am really sad to see the giveaway to come to a close! Svetlana, I will be sending you an email and I will have your Bella layer cake in the mail to you at the beginning of the week. Thanks everyone else for entering!

just for fun

I have been feeling a little bit blah lately.  I think it is largely due to the rain since it has raining for about a week (very unusual here) and I have become accustomed to lots and lots of sunshine :) Recently I won a gift certificate to Mad About Patchwork for winning the Totally Groovy QAL.  When I saw that they have a large selection of Kaffe Fassett shot cottons, I filled my cart right up.  They are so beautiful.  I love the depth of the colors and how they can be bright and colorful without being overwhelming. I knew I wanted to do something that required no measuring and that wasn't very time consuming, and these improv curves were the kind of fun sewing that I needed.  I made just enough blocks for a nice wall quilt size and it will soon be hanging in my bedroom.

SMS Giveaway Day!

Welcome!  If you are visiting my blog for the first time, my name is Erica and this is my little space where I share my sewing, quilting, and musings.  I started this blog earlier this year and I have loved having a place to share my projects. I love bright colors and trying new patterns and ideas.  I also love an excuse to make something for someone so most of these quilts and bags have been gifted to friends and family. Although we have plenty of quilts around my house too.  The other day my 4 year old saw that I was starting a new quilt and she told me that this had to be the last one because we have too many blankets.   The Giveaway: 1 layer cake of Bella by Lotta Jansdotter, 38 squares that are 10"x10" How do you win?  Leave a comment letting me know one of your favorite fabric collections.  Bella is one of my favorites and I am curious to see what everyone else is loving! I will choose a random winner on December 7th after 5pm.  The giveaway is open to anyone and ever