
Showing posts from December, 2016

Prepping for Christmas: Kids Ikea Poang Slipcover

Since we left a lot of our furniture behind when we moved away from San Diego, we made the obligatory trip up to Ikea a couple weeks ago.  While we were there we decided to get a kids Poang Chair for our play room.  Unlike the adult Poang chairs, these only come with a plain, off-white slipcover so I knew I wanted to recover it. As soon as I got my sewing machine set up, I found down  this tutorial  because why would I want to figure it out for myself when someone else has already done it.  I followed the measurements in the tutorial but I would probably cut my cover 1" longer if I were to do it again.  It was a tight fit. The tutorial did not have directions for covering the pillow, but that was easy enough.  I cut the front piece 9" x 16" and 2 pieces 7.5" x 16" and did an envelope closure. Then I stitched it to the top of the main slipcover with a 1/4 inch-ish seam allowance.  It seemed to do the trick. I really love this fabric and wish I had more info abou

Last Minutes Gifts for Quilters

The last few weeks in our house has been crazy.  I have painted 4 rooms, put together at least a dozen pieces of furniture, and lived through 3 snow days with cancelled school (and another one tomorrow!).  Despite all of that, I started a quilt yesterday.  It is going to be slow going, but it was good to turn on my machine. I have also been shopping for my family for Christmas and in the process, came across a few things that you might need in your lives. 1.   Patchwork Board Game - Did you know that there is a quilting board game? And it is well reviewed and is supposed to be fun for quilters and non-quilters?  This one is going under our tree this year. 2.   Blanket Ladder 3.   An "investment" ruler - These are one of those things that are too expensive to justify buying on a normal day, but they are super useful so they make a great gift.  This is one of my favorites and I use it All. The. Time. 4.   A Nice Ironing Board - I have given up on expensive irons because it s