
Showing posts from January, 2013

WIP Wednesday

It has been a rough week over here.  Everyone but my son has had the flu, and this morning I woke up with a migraine on top of that.  Thank goodness for Excedrin migraine. But because I haven't been able to leave the house in a week, I have made some good progress on my + and x quilt. When I took this photo I had finished 49 blocks, but I finished 7 more last night so I only have 7 left. Once I finish up those blocks I think I will set this one aside for a little while, I am feeling a little drained.  I have a baby quilt to make and I think it would be nice to work on a smaller project for a little bit.  

January lucky stars block

I signed up to participate in the Lucky Stars BOM and I am really glad that I did.  I am hoping to get a little more confident about paper piecing and, of course, it is fun to see what everyone else does with their blocks.  I am planning on making the 6" version because I don't really need another quilt and I think these would make a great table runner or wall quilt in the end. I made January's block today.  It was pretty easy and came together during my kids nap.  I just love how cute and tiny the 6" block is!  I actually laughed out loud when I picked up the templates off of the printer because they are so tiny. I accidentally switched the red fabrics when I made my first B block, so rather than fix the problem I just switched them on the other B block.  It doesn't bother me.  Lately I have been working on my + and x blocks that I started last year.  So far I have around 40 blocks, and I am planning on making the finished quilt 7 blocks by 9 blocks so I have a

scrappy trip finished

I was glad to have this one to finish up over the last couple of days; we are all sick with something suspiciously flu-like and I haven't wanted to get off the couch, so finishing up the binding was perfect (I've been pretty bad about responding to comments for the past few days, I'm sorry!). I first started to see these quilt blocks pop up on Instagram while I was visiting my family for Christmas.  At first I wasn't interested, but by the time I got home I couldn't wait to get started.  I have really loved working on this quilt and definitely think that I will make another one at some point.  Most of the fabrics are from my scrap bin, but since I made this with my nephew in mind I tried to leave out anything pink, purple, or flowery.  Considering that at least half of the fabrics in my stash fall into one of those categories, I had to venture a little bit outside of the scrap bin. This one is going to be a little difficult for me to give away.  It is a great couch

WIP Wednesday

1. I have spent most of my time finishing up my Scrappy Trip Along quilt.  I have to admit, even though I was reluctant to start this one, it has really turned into one of my all time favorite quilts.  I have never made a scrap quilt before and I really like seeing so many fabrics in the same place.  I made this for my nephew, but at this point I am afraid that I might keep it :)  The quilt top is done and the quilting is 90% done. I decided to go with the zig zag layout, which I think is a lot of fun, and then I have quilted along the diagonal echoing the zig zag shape.  Please forgive the iphone photo, this is layout that I went with, although it was taken a few steps ago. 2.  My other WIP is my + and x quilt which I didn't touch this week.  Hopefully that will change soon!

do good stitches update

I spent the last couple of days finishing up our November quilt so that I can get it donated this week.  I really enjoyed making this pattern (it is called Simply Woven from Moda Bake Shop) and seeing this quilt is actually what inspired me to want to make a quilt for Moda myself.  The pattern is pretty simple (as long as you read the directions very closely!) and it was a lot of fun to make.  I can definitely see myself making this again. For the backing I used this DS Quilts fabric which I got for $3 a yard a Joann's!  I think it works nicely with the quilt and I am loving plaids lately so of course I bought the rest of the bolt :) I also finished up my January do Good Stitches blocks today.   Caitlin had asked us to make 1 or 2 Arkansas Traveler blocks using this tutorial   with this photo  as our color inspiration.  The color combination is very pretty, I think that the finished quilt is going to be gorgeous!

check it out . . .

A quilt I made using Aneela Hoey's GORGEOUS Posy fabric is featured over at the Moda Bake Shop today, go check it out !

wip wednesday

1.  It turns out that those Scrappy Trip Along blocks are really addictive.  Instead of basting and starting the quilting on my Simply Woven Quilt, I made 10 more scrappy blocks. I am trying to decide if I want to make it 60"x60" or 60"x72".  Either way, I still have more blocks to make.  Yay! 2.  I need to figure out a backing for this quilt and then get it basted.  Hopefully that will happen tomorrow. Right now I need to get back to cleaning my house.  I have some friends coming over tonight and they might think it's weird if there are little pieces of fabric and thread all over the place!

2013 Finish-A-Long

I am back from Christmas craziness and a week with family in Utah.  I just barely unpacked our bags and I am still finding pieces of wrapping paper all over the house, but I did get my machine out and finally did some sewing after a 2 week break. 1.  I thought I would join in with the finish-a-long; I don't tend to abandon projects, but I am hoping that this will help me finish up my + and x quilt.  I found the blocks when I was cleaning out my closet a few weeks ago and have been excited to get back to work on them.  I started out mostly using a couple of collections from Momo, It's a Hoot and Just Wing it, and now I have some of the Oh Deer collection so I can include those too. 2.  While I was out of town, the Scrappy Trip Along really took off on Instagram.  I wasn't sure that I wanted to participate since I have been planning to make a Maple Leaf Rag quilt this year, but I am pretty sure I have enough scraps for both :) 3.  I got the last two blocks from our November