desert blooms medallion

Do you know Nancy?  She is fantastic and she has a fantastic new book.  A few weeks ago Nancy allowed me to sew one of the quilts from her book as a little preview for all of you.

Meet the Desert Blooms Medallion.
desert blooms medallion
I love that squash blossom block as the center square.
desert blooms medallion
Since the pattern is called the "Desert Blooms Medallion," I tried to stick with a desert-y color scheme which was quite uncomfortable.  But sometimes it is good to work with uncomfortable colors.
desert blooms medallion
The most uncomfortable part was the peach.  I made the peach flying geese and hung them in my sewing room for two weeks before I sewed them on.  I'm still not sure if they were the best choice but I grew to like them.
desert blooms medallion
I kept the quilting pretty simple with some crosshatching.  The lines are 3" apart.  Since there are a lot of small-ish pieces in the quilt, I wanted the quilting to keep it drape-y.  
desert blooms medallion
Do you want to see more patterns from Quilting From Every Angle?  Check out Nancy's blog and the #quiltingfromeveryangle hashtag on Instagram.

Note that if you plan to make this quilt, please check out the Errata page.  


  1. Perhaps it was uncomfortable for you to sew with this colors, but - WOW -
    what a beautiful quilt you made!!
    Best wishes!

  2. Gorgeous quilt~you did good. Received Nancys' book last week and have been drooling over the beautiful pictures. Still haven't decided what pattern to do first.

  3. I think the peach flying geese give your eye a place to rest on the quilt. In the end, good choice!

  4. I know what you mean by uncomfortable colors - I've been working through a quilt with said colors. But yours looks lovely. I love tat design.

  5. These would be uncomfortable colors for me too, but look at the awesomeness that you made!!! A good lesson for me to get out of my comfort zone. Such a beautiful quilt- great job!

  6. I don't see many medallion quilts, and it's a shame because they are so wonderful. Yours is fabulous, and I do like the peach!

  7. Your fabrics are perfect for the quilt. Great job!

  8. Wow, this is a gorgeous quilt, great colour choice!

  9. I love your colour palette -- it reminds me very much of handwoven textiles like I see on my weaving blogs. Just lovely!

  10. Looks great. I really like the peach-ish/coral and navy color combination. Great job!

  11. Sewing outside your comfort zone is a great've learned that you can work in these colors. I know this because your quilt is fantastic! Definitely give it another go working with some of these colors: you're great at handling them.

  12. Lovely quilt design - I'm inspired to get the book. They are not really my comfort colours either but it really works, you have done a great job.

  13. I love this quilt! Colors are great. Congratulations on the finish!


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