Still not sewing

It has now been about 2 months since I have used my sewing machine. For most of that time I was busy packing, getting ready to move, and moving so I was too busy to miss it very much.  For the past two weeks we have been in Oregon and it is amazing how much I miss working on projects.  My sewing machine is safely at Whitlock's here in Salem where it is getting a tune up and the rest of us are staying in a hotel while we wait for our house to close (any day now, maybe, if we can stop having delays!).

Since I don't have any sewing projects to share, but I have a couple free hours in the morning while my son naps and I don't really have anything to do since I need to be quiet while he sleeps, I thought I'd share a few of the things that have helped me stay sane  while on the road and staying in our hotel room.

1.  Diet Coke. 

2.  Trader Joe's snacks.  Cinnamon Schoolbook Cookies, cheese crackers, PB&J bars, and applesauce pouches.  I have been packing a lunch for my kids and husband everyday from our hotel room which has been . . . interesting.  Dishes in the bathroom sink and all of our food stuffed into a tiny fridge.  Having handy snacks has been crucial. 

3.  Headphones.  For everyone.  We all want to watch our own thing, and no one wants to listen to anyone else's movies or music.  The kids use these Lil Gadgets wireless Bluetooth headphones and they have been so great.  They connect to the kids devices via Bluetooth so there aren't any tangled wires.
4.  Books, books, books. We have tried to have plenty of books in the house for our kids, so I knew I wanted to get some books from their wish lists for the trips. Graphic novels have really helped our oldest catch the reading bug.  Here are a few of the books we picked up:
Cleopatra in Space
Zita the Spacegirl
Mighty Jack
Rapunzel's Revenge

5.  New restaurants in new places.  Most of the time when we travel we are in a rush and stop at McDonalds and Taco Bell, but since we were taking in time we took advantage of Yelp and had delicious cinnamon rolls on the central California coast, great Greek food in Northern California, and a wonderful little restaurant not too far out of Salem that had an indoor playground for the kids.

6.  Online fabric shopping.  You knew this was coming.  I can't order anything right now, but that hasn't stopped me from "window" shopping.

7.  Puzzles and game books.  This one was a big hit. 

8.  Planning our new house.  We can't move in yet, but that doesn't mean I'm not already choosing new paint colors.  The whole place is painted various shades of yellow right now.  Yellow is great and everything, but it's not what I want on all of my walls.  So far I am thinking of Hazel and Anonymous for the kids rooms, but I am very open to suggestions if you have a favorite paint color!

That has kept me kind of busy.  We sold most of our furniture before we moved so we need a new bed, new dressers for everyone, a new dining table, and various other small things.  I can't wait to get into the house so that we can get settled and hopefully I can get back to sewing soon!

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